Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Make America Great.... Again?

Whether you fall on the left or right side of the political spectrum, or perhaps you consider yourself not on it at all, I'd like to take your attention for a moment, not to discuss trump, but rather, his campaign slogan.
Make America Great Again.
I get that its made for people who look back fondly on their childhoods and want things to be like that again. I understand.
My main question is this; what time period exactly are you referring to? I'm sure there are pros and cons to each period in American history, but why move backwards? You see, in my view, we should be moving forward. I, for one, am not willing to relive the mistakes of those before me. I have no desire to live in a country in which some are separate but not equal. Nor will I allow my children to grow up in a place where we don't have basic civil rights for everyone. This is why I made my subversive ad.
I chose this image for a few reasons. Firstly because it represents one of the darkest periods in America's history. I'm sure even Donald Trump wouldn't site the great depression as his goal for this country... hopefully. Nonetheless, it makes my point. There were sadder pictures available but this struck me as the most famous image from the time. Hopefully it puts my message across more clearly.
My original idea came from this video. Which I encourage everyone to watch.


  1. Madison- I've seen that second image before. It does say a lot. Great question posed!

  2. I agree about wanting America to move forward not backwards. And by making "American great again" we'd technically be moving backwards. I'd like to see changes and not start to repeat history.

  3. I agree with this. However, I believe there is a diamond under all this coal. I believe Trump is a good punishment for how foolishly people have been behaving about politics in this country. We have people who don't vote and people who don't fact check and simply believe everything this man says out of proud ignorance. While people will suffer during Trump's presidency, the people of this country will learn how stupid they were for letting this man be elected and then we can achieve real change in this country.

    Anyways, good subvertisement!

  4. This is definitely a good point! I love this because we see all the bad because of the idea trump conveys. But back when America was actually great was when America actually was not founded. (Before Christopher Columbus)

  5. Yeah I like how you said in class that- the 'again' is problematic. That any time period in history has had problems, and looking back and trying to recreate a time from before instead of trying to move forwards with what we have- really just would be kind of silly. Its fine to learn from the past- but to try to jump back into it- instead of working with what we have now for the future- really would get in the way of progress.
