Monday, February 13, 2017

Yaqui Delgado is Done Kicking Ass... Or is She?

Though the conclusion of the novel ended, for the most part, in Piddy's favor, we as readers are left to wonder, what becomes of Yaqui? While I do think Piddy made the right decision, Yaqui's reign of terror will probably continue, despite the school's efforts. This is concerning on many levels. Here's why.
This book took a deeper look at bullying. It was serious and real.  We aren't talking about Mean Girls here. The thing is, we see the bullying in a very intense way. Piddy is threatened to the point where she could be killed. This isn't a rumor that she's pregnant, it's not whispers in the hallways that you can ignore. It's assault. It's violent and animalistic. It's wrong.
 All we can hope for is that it ends on its own because what could Piddy do? She made a choice to leave which was really her only safe option. She ran, leaving Yaqui to terrorize someone else. It's horrible but true. Yaqui needs therapy. She needs authority. She'll probably only find one of those in her lifetime and it'll come with a prison cell.
Unfortunately I think the book is a fairly realistic representation of bullying.We see how bullying is handled in schools, in households and by peers. It's deeper than most book or movie depictions and shows us just how intense it can be.  Most of all though it teaches us a lesson. Sometimes, there isn't a way to fix everything. Sometimes you have to run.
I mean. Either that or you go full on Heathers on her ass.


  1. I agree with you, that Yaqui will probably end up in a prison cell. Hell, she'll probably end up murdering someone. A mental illness like hers only gets worse over time.

  2. Is it bad that I hope she goes to a prison cell? At this point in her life she's only 16 and she listens to no one. I think serving jail time may unfortunately be the only way that she realizes that what she has been doing is wrong.

  3. I agree that the book did a good job of representing bullying and how awful it can be. I do wonder what would have happened to Yaqui, because I highly doubt her suspension did anything to make her a better person.

  4. I really wish the best for Yaqui and people like her- people who hurt others- that one day they will stop. But... that doesnt always happen and its hard- when do you have to sacrifice the freedom of one person for the good of many more? Maybe not that- but- just when is it time to intervene?

  5. They may not have been mean girls or Heathers, but that may have been where the bullying started. I agree with the other responses that it is too bad none of the adults are looking out for Yaqui and that her behavior will stay the same or get worse.
