Monday, January 30, 2017

Feed: Thank God It's Over

I finished Feed! If it weren't for this class and I'd been reading it on my own I would've stopped long, long ago. However, it's over now. Time to move on. (hopefully to better books)
So unless you've been paying about as much attention as a dying squirrel to this blog, you know I've hated this book. I mean. It's not hard to tell....
My biggest complaint after reading it is still, I have to say, the slang. I just can't. Sorry. That knocks my score down by a good four points. If I can't read a book without cringing every ten seconds, I won't read it. Period. Am I being unreasonable?
The second, and most relevant to the end of the book, point I'd like to make, is about our main character. Ahhh Titus. Titus, Titus, Titus. Honey, you're an asshole. Yeah, yeah, yeah. he's a teenager, he can't handle grief, boy's will be bo-
 NO WAY, JOSE. I don't care who you are. I don't wanna hear it. Titus is horrible. If he was even half decent he would've broken up with Violet when he lost feelings for her. And hey, then maybe she could've died next to someone who deserved her! I can't talk about it anymore. I'm so irritated with the whole thing. All I know is, I doubt it could've been a worse ending. I thought Eleanor & Park was irritating, at least Park wasn't the biggest !@#%$!&*#, ( ^#%^!#, or @^&$*&$^* around. Ending message? We're all gonna die, but get our hearts broken as insult to injury anyways.


  1. I agree with you that Titus was a total asshole. However, I don't think the slang was much different than what we have today. For example: lit, fam, shook, woke, triggered, yo, like, and savage to name but a few.

  2. I thought there was hope for him for a second but after he deleted all of her memories without even looking at them, I realized he's just like the rest.

  3. I can agree this wasn't the best book I've ever read, it had its moments but overall it seems like it didn't catch a lot of peoples attentions in our class discussions.

  4. I probably also wouldn't have read this book like ever if it wasn't for this class. There were quite a few things I didn't like about the book, however the plot was interesting even though it was boring.
