Sunday, January 22, 2017

Feed: Can Bad First Impressions Be Wrong?

So. Let's take a moment to talk .about Feed, by M.T Anderson. It's meg big big unit.... oh. wait. Are you a normal person who doesn't speak whatever language that was? yeah me too.
I'm not very happy with this book. It took me three days to get through 150 pages when it should've taken me a few hours. I just couldn't make myself read it half the time. Honestly, I get what the author is going for. I really do. I get that the future talk is supposed to sell that the novel is set in the future, but my god it is so hard to read.
Don't get me wrong, I understood the slang by page 150, I could figure out what they were saying. It was just annoying. Like spending time with 14 year-olds who think they're cool. I just wanted to scream at them. THAT WAS NOT A SENTENCE!
Language aside, I can't relate...Not to any of it. Parties? Nope. Drug use? Definitely not.The weird internet like thing that runs through them all? Uhhh. I guess? Disturbingly, I don't think this book is leaping too far from the actual future. Filet mignon farms? I'll give it to the author. That bit made me chuckle.  Back to The Future 2 or what?
I will say, I appreciate the message behind it. The whole "feed companies" run the world thing seems a little close to home to me. It's going to go in a "defy the man" kinda direction and I'm alright with that. I can be cool with rebellion.  
I don't know, guys. I'm hoping this book makes a comeback. I really do. I don't know how it can change though, enough to make me enjoy it anyways. Nonetheless, It's quite a trip. Give it a shot.
Buy it here  Or you know. Go to a library. They're still cool right?

More on this book later,


  1. I felt the same way as you in the beginning of the book. I thought it was very slow moving and uninteresting. As time went on however I was able to stand the book a little more.

  2. I agree with both of you about Feed being hard to get into. And the language. Unit! Every generation has their own slang, yet, what?

  3. Yeah, the book needed to pick up just a little bit faster for me. But soon after the first 60-70 pages I kept reading more and more. And it is sort annoying in a way to read their their dialect, when I have my own in my head.

  4. I found it interesting, the concept of technology replacing human interaction. It seems to be the theme of today.The two worlds are eerily similar.

  5. I agree that the beginning was slow and the language took me a long time to understand. I think whats kept me interested were subtle hints warning of the corruption of the Corporations and the Government in this book. I'm hoping the second part really turns the book into something a bit more action packed. I think the book so far has been setting the story up for this.

  6. The constant use of "like" makes the characters sound idiotic. Like you said it is the future but I don't think people would ever use "like" that much, the slang words make sense but all these kids probably still take english classes.

  7. I don't know what you guys are talking about. I thought this book was meg good. But honestly, all these nuances, like the crazy language use, I feel adds to the story telling. These characters are meant to seem idiotic.

  8. I agree the language was confusing at first. I didn't know what going "mal" was for a while. Oops. I did like the overall message though of the book, of the feed companies running the world. I found that part the most interesting.
